
Procure-to-Pay (P2P) Processing

peocure to pay process

Course Overview:

Order-to-Cash (O2C) Training

Designing a course for Procure-to-Pay (P2P) Processing – Invoice Processing Operations Managers requires a comprehensive approach that covers the essential components of the P2P process, focusing on invoice processing and operations management. The objectives of the course are to understand the end-to-end Procure-to-Pay process, manage invoice processing operations effectively, identify and resolve common issues and challenges in P2P, and implement best practices for optimizing P2P processes.

Course Content Outline:

Module Topic Sub-Topic Estimated Hours
1 Introduction to Procure- to-Pay Process  Introduction to Procure-to- Pay (P2P) 2
 Definition and importance of P2P
 Overview of P2P lifecycle
2 Key Components of P2P Requisitioning 3
Invoice processing
Payment Processing
Supplier Helpdesk
Time and Expenses (T&E)
3 Invoice Processing Fundamentals Invoice Processing Receipt and Capture 6
Invoice receipt methods
Invoice scanning and data capture
Invoice Rejection
Accounting Entries for invoice recording
How VAT is processed in invoice processing. For India specific, how is GST and TDS considered
Invoice validation and approval
4 Invoice Processing and Matching Invoice matching with purchase orders and receipts 3
Handling discrepancies and exceptions
Invoice approval workflow
Way matching processing
Tolerance /Threshold limits for PO invoice processing
5 Operations Management in P2P Operations Management in P2P 7
Vendor onboarding and setup
Vendor performance evaluation
Vendor relationship management
Vendor Amendment Process
Types of Vendor Amendment
Foxtrol Control
Key foxtrol Controls in vendor management
6 Operational Metrics and KPIs Operational Metrics and KPIs 5
Key performance indicators (KPIs) for P2P
Metrics for invoice processing efficiency
Reporting and analysis
7 Compliance, Controls, and Automation Compliance and Controls 8
Regulatory compliance (e.g., tax, audit)
Internal controls and policies
Fraud prevention and detection
8 Microsoft Excel and Soft Skills Introduction of MS Excel 5
Navigation Formula & Functions
Cell Referencing, Sorting & Filtering
Autofill and Autocomplete
Pivot chart and table
Sumif(), countif(), Subtotal(), group() and ungroup()
9 Soft Skills 3
Grammar concepts- Rules and Usage
Total Hours 42

Additional Components:

  • Practical Exercises: Hands-on exercises and case studies to reinforce learning.
  • Assessments: Quizzes and tests to evaluate participants’ understanding and knowledge retention.
  • Discussion Forums: Opportunities for participants to discuss challenges, share experiences, and learn from each other.
  • Course Materials: Comprehensive course materials, including presentations, handouts, and reference guides.

This course is specifically designed for candidates with locomotor disabilities who graduated in 2022, 2023, or 2024. It provides a structured approach to understanding the Procure-to-Pay process, with a focus on invoice processing operations management, ensuring that participants gain the necessary knowledge and skills to excel as  Procure-to-Pay process Associate Specialists.

Key Benefits:

  • Upskill in critical business processes.
  • Job opportunities within the corporation upon successful completion.


Graduates with B.Com, M.Com, or BBA degrees.

Course Calendar

Contact details :


Call/WhatsApp: 8897187124 / 9606033919

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